December 22, 2015

Murphy's Law

The first time I heard the word of Murphy's Law was when I watched Interstellar movie. At that time I didn't understand the meaning of it. But after watching final show Miss Universe 2015, in which the host mistakenly announced winner's name, I now understand. Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. It reminds me of several unfortunate events I had. I hate it when something went wrong but I couldn't help to avoid nor to fix it. No matter how hard I try to make it good, it eventually goes wrong. It stressed me when events that I didn't expect to happen occur, even worse when this happens at the least ideal time.

It happens anytime in any day, like when I missed important calls, when I tried to explain things to someone but failed, or when I thought something will happen but it didn't. I came to realize that there's always something beyond my reach, things that unlikely to happen but it happens anyway. For example, I thought by buying a piano would motivate me to start learning piano. But it didn't. I thought by watching Youtube would make me learn faster. But it didn't. Whenever I tried to start playing, there's always something else must be done first. Nothing as easy as it looks. But when my niece and nephew come over, the piano turns out to be a great entertainment for them. And I feel enjoyed learning piano when they were around.

So the question "when?" is still mystery. It could be coincidental but it doesn't mean we can't control it. The only way to to get in control of Murphy's Law: Law of Attraction. Murphy’s Law is manifestation of negative thoughts. By always keeping positive thoughts, one could manage bad things to occur. This is how to do it (source):

1. Recognize it. Be aware of your thoughts. Awareness is key to preventing the negatives.
2. Choose to stop it. Your thoughts are YOUR choice. Only you can change the course of Murphy’s Law.
3. Do positive affirmations. Affirmations can take the place of negative expectations. Say this to yourself: “Good things are happening for me.” “I have very good luck.”
4. Break negative chain with a declaration. When one thing after another goes wrong, take the energy from anger and declare, “That’s it! No more negatives! I choose to have things go positively from here on.”

That way, we can get back in control of Murphy's Law. By recognizing Murphy's Law, I learn to expect the unexpected. The most unexpected usually turns out the best one (if not, then the worst one). And by turning energy from the stress into positive thoughts, good things will eventually coming to us. It's all depend on our thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. Hai Rani...

    Lama gak berkunjung ke blog-mu, lalu strolling ke posting-an kamu after Jerman dan jatuh hati ke posting-an ini. Thanks ya sudah sharing mengenai Law of Attraction, ngena banget ke hati dan "my current condition" hehehe
    See you soon girl :*

