October 3, 2014


September was nice and full of blessings. I am truly grateful for beautiful moments and adventures I had with family and friends. I wish October would be nice too. However, a man may plan his way, but God directs his steps. I have plans and personal goals and hopes until the end of year 2014, but what really happened took my dreams further away. Once there was a clear aim, but in one mistake, I screwed it. Once there was a good chance, but in a blink of eyes, I couldn't make it. It was all due to unfortunate events I couldn't help but to cry. The Coldplay "Fix You" song now makes sense to me.

(x) I'm pursuing a virtual running challenge to be on the top 3, to put the most kilometer efforts, but then my health dropped into illness I had to take rest for at least one full week. It feels pathetic to restrain the desire of running while seeing my friends were running freely.
(x) I'm applying scholarships for master's degree, but then the company offered me training that I have to follow next year. Only few months left to prepare, I'm not sure if I am ready for this.
(x) I'm looking for a life partner, a good man that is into me, a man that I can envision settling down with. But after meeting one after another, still zero relationship is built. I couldn't get into man's mind until I found Steve Harvey's book. The book is so amazing, it poked my eyes out, but thankfully it casts me towards enlightenment. I realized I've been doing wrong the whole way, now I had to figure out how to fix it and change my life.

October might become a turning point in my life. It's Shocktober!! There's this turbulence I have to go through. And there's this crossroads I have no idea which way to choose. Getting in-and-out-again of the comfort zone. Planning my dreams, minding my goals, and evaluating my mistakes. And I believe there's always be blessings in disguise. Fallen sick and cannot run for a week, but I find spare time to read more books so I got that going for me, which is nice.

Hence, though it's Shocktober, I am grateful to actually say I've learned a lot :)

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